Start date: Monday, September 9 2024.


 Mondays, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM ,

 From September 9, 2024 until December 11, 2024 ,

 Park Ave Room ,

 Allison DeSalvo ,

Resource person: Lisa Oster

Location: Park Ave Room | 129 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA, 19081


Yoga is for Union ~connecting body, mind and heart! YogAmi combines a multi-arts approach to learning yoga in imaginative and creative ways through music and movement, stories, games, art, science and nature. Students will individually master basic asanas, and in partners and group poses, progressing over time.

Projects, like a “Me Book”, soundscape paintings and aromatherapy spray bottles, are designed to include themes of self-care, sensory awareness, yoga principles, such as kindness and cooperation, and educational elements. Classes will follow our young yogis’ natural curiosities and interests for an enriching experience supporting discovery and well-being. 

Yoga helps release energy while improving motor skills, building strength, flexibility and focus through imaginative play and social interactions promoting healthy fun and friendships. Its calming benefits are explored through breathing, relaxation exercises, mindful meditation and sound. 

Non-binding, stretchy clothes are recommended. Bring your own yoga mat or mats available at the class.

Available spots: 16/16

Price: $325.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 5 - 8 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Our After-School program is listed from 4-5:30pm, allowing all students to arrive on foot, by bus or drop off to make it in advance of instruction time between 4:30-5:30pm. Drop off students may arrive anytime after 4pm. WSSD can Bus to Us! Our staff receives the WSSD buses according to the transportation schedule from WES & NPE. Escorted walking bus is available from SRS. Please choose busing option at check out.

More information: Siblings receive 25% off. Early Bird discount ends 9/6 No codes needed

Tags: Youth Programs

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