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Get events for an organization

GET api/V3/{language}/org/{orgIdentifier}/events










Retrieves all activity events occurring in the active programs of an organization, for the given date range. Arguments 'from' and 'to' are dates. If 'to' is omitted, retrieves only for one day specified by 'from'. When both 'from' and 'to' are omitted, returns events for today. You can also limit the search to a given program given the 'programId' argument, and report the list of participants and their attendance for each returned event by passing 'showParticipants=true'. This call is useful to build a calendar.

Request Information

URI Parameters

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

programId (integer)

Id of the program in which the event is. Default value is null

showParticipants (boolean)

Option to show the list of participants and their attendance.

Default value is False

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

showSkipped (boolean)

Default value is False

showCanceled (boolean)

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200


Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Start (date)

Inclusive start limit. Format is 9999-12-31

End (date)

Inclusive end limit. Format is 9999-12-31

AllDay (boolean)

True when occurrence (event) lasts all day

Title (string)

Title of the resource

Url (string)

Url of the resource

Activity (ActivitySummaryApiModelV3)

Object containing the activity details (activity id and name, program id and name, category id and name, subcategory id and name)

Participants ()
State (ActivitySegmentState)

For an activity, object containing the values Normal, Skipped, Moved, Cancelled, Archived and Replaced

PictureUrl (string)

Url of the resource picture

Price (decimal number)

Price of activity

Tags ()

Object containing the id and name of a tag. Tags are used to group and retrieve activities, such as 'morning' or 'George Smith'

EventType (string)

Always Activity

Id (integer)

Resource id

Location (LocationSummaryApiModelV3)

Object containing location id and name

Staff ()

Object containing staff id, first name, last name and state

Response Formats

    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T14:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "Title": "End of Season Match",
    "Url": "",
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Name": "End of Season Match",
      "ProgramId": 0,
      "ProgramName": "Summer 2019 Soccer",
      "CategoryId": 0,
      "CategoryName": "Soccer",
      "SubCategoryId": 0,
      "SubCategoryName": "Soccer for Seniors",
      "Url": null,
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Participants": null,
    "State": "Normal",
    "PictureUrl": "end_of_season_match.jpg",
    "Price": 0.0,
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Soccer",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "IsVisible": true
    "EventType": "Activity",
    "Id": 0,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 rue Joseph-Gravel",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Chambly",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J3L 0C7"
      "Id": 9009,
      "Name": "Parc Joseph-Gravel"
    "Staff": []
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T14:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "Title": "End of Season Match",
    "Url": "",
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Name": "End of Season Match",
      "ProgramId": 0,
      "ProgramName": "Summer 2019 Soccer",
      "CategoryId": 0,
      "CategoryName": "Soccer",
      "SubCategoryId": 0,
      "SubCategoryName": "Soccer for Seniors",
      "Url": null,
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Participants": null,
    "State": "Normal",
    "PictureUrl": "end_of_season_match.jpg",
    "Price": 0.0,
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Soccer",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "IsVisible": true
    "EventType": "Activity",
    "Id": 0,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 rue Joseph-Gravel",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Chambly",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J3L 0C7"
      "Id": 9009,
      "Name": "Parc Joseph-Gravel"
    "Staff": []