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Get activities by location

GET api/V3/{language}/locations/{id}/activities









You can get the location id from /locations. Returns a list of activities taking place at the given location, with the option to show hidden and cancelled activities as well as activities in children locations, and to specify an activity keyword id and children locations containing the given keyword. It's possible to sort this list on the Id, Name or Date field.

Request Information

URI Parameters

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

id (integer)

Location id

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

showCancelled (boolean)

Option to also return cancelled items.

Default value is False

showChildrenActivities (boolean)

Option to also show activities in children locations.

Default value is False

keywordId (integer)

Activity keyword id. Default value is null

showChildrenKeywords (boolean)

Option to also show children locations containing the given keywords

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

sortBy (string)

Value to sort by. Can be id, name or date.

Default value is id


Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Description (string)

Description of the activity that will be visible to your customers in your store

Prerequisite (string)

Specific prerequisites for an activity. This does not prevent the clients from registering, only informs them

Note (string)

Additional important information, such as what to bring

ThirdPartyUrl (string)

For registrations happening with a third party instead of Amilia

AdditionalInformation (string)

Additional important information, such as what to bring

ResponsibleName (string)
Price (decimal number)

Price of activity

DropInPrice (decimal number)

Price of drop-in activity

DisplayOrder (integer)
Age (ActivityAgeApiModelV3)

Object containing minimum and maximum ages, and the option to specify age in months

MaxAttendance (integer)

Maximum number of spots

SpotsRemaining (integer)

Number of spots still available in an activity

SpotsReserved (integer)

Number of reserved spots for an activity

NumberOfOccurrences (integer)

Number of occurrences the activity has

StartDate (date)

Inclusive start limit. Format is 9999-12-31

EndDate (date)

Inclusive end limit. Format is 9999-12-31

ScheduleSummary (string)

Description such as 'Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August', as opposed to a full list of occurrences

HasSessionEnabled (boolean)

True for subscriptions

HasDropInEnabled (boolean)

True for drop-ins

AgeSummary (string)

Minimum-maximum age span, in format '7-77'

Keywords ()

Object containing the id and name of keywords, which are specific types of activities, such as 'soccer' or 'yoga'

Groups ()

In an activity, object containing the groups and their details

OrganizationId (integer)

Id of the organization. This one cannot be substituted for rewriteUrl, contrary to the organization id in the query parameters

Occurrences ()
RegistrationPeriods ()
Taxes (ApplicableTaxesModelV3)
LocationLabel (string)
SecretUrl (string)
PictureUrl (string)

Url of the resource picture

Id (integer)

Resource id

Name (string)

Resource name

ProgramId (integer)

Id of the program

ProgramName (string)

Part of the hierarchy Program > Category > Subcategory > Activity

CategoryId (integer)

Id of the category

CategoryName (string)

Part of the hierarchy Program > Category > Subcategory > Activity

SubCategoryId (integer)

Id of the subcategory

SubCategoryName (string)

Part of the hierarchy Program > Category > Subcategory > Activity

Url (string)

Url of the resource

Status (StateType)

Object containing the possible status values (case-insensitive).

For an activity, possible values are Normal, Hidden and Cancelled.

Response Formats

    "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
    "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
    "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
    "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
    "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
    "ResponsibleName": null,
    "Price": 150.0,
    "DropInPrice": 0.0,
    "DisplayOrder": 0,
    "Age": {
      "Max": 17,
      "Min": 7,
      "Months": false
    "MaxAttendance": 24,
    "SpotsRemaining": 2,
    "SpotsReserved": 7,
    "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
    "HasSessionEnabled": false,
    "HasDropInEnabled": false,
    "AgeSummary": "7-17",
    "Keywords": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Soccer"
    "Groups": [
        "Id": 3,
        "Name": "Melanie"
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Doris"
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "RegistrationPeriods": null,
    "LocationLabel": null,
    "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
    "SecretUrl": "{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
    "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Soccer II",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 56783,
    "CategoryName": "Soccer",
    "SubCategoryId": 56786,
    "SubCategoryName": "junior",
    "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
    "Status": "Normal"
    "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
    "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
    "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
    "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
    "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
    "ResponsibleName": null,
    "Price": 150.0,
    "DropInPrice": 0.0,
    "DisplayOrder": 0,
    "Age": {
      "Max": 17,
      "Min": 7,
      "Months": false
    "MaxAttendance": 24,
    "SpotsRemaining": 2,
    "SpotsReserved": 7,
    "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
    "HasSessionEnabled": false,
    "HasDropInEnabled": false,
    "AgeSummary": "7-17",
    "Keywords": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Soccer"
    "Groups": [
        "Id": 3,
        "Name": "Melanie"
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Doris"
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "RegistrationPeriods": null,
    "LocationLabel": null,
    "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
    "SecretUrl": "{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
    "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Soccer II",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 56783,
    "CategoryName": "Soccer",
    "SubCategoryId": 56786,
    "SubCategoryName": "junior",
    "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
    "Status": "Normal"