Start date: Wednesday, January 31 2024.


 Wednesdays, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM ,

 12 times starting January 31, 2024 ,

Resource person: Carlson, Luba

Location: LL1


Find out more about waitlists.

Complete Volunteer Forms prior to registering. Every child must have a membership in order to receive a tuition discount on tuition. 

New projects!

Students will explore art mediums and techniques in a fun way. We will focus on two types of drawing instruction: directed drawing (drawing by following a series of steps) and observational drawing (drawing what you see). The drawing then will be finished with a choice of painting techniques. In this class we will explore acrylics, watercolor, collage, oil pastels and mixed media. 

Mrs. Carlson has a passion for those kinds of lessons that allow her students to experiment with different materials and techniques. She provides them with tools, techniques and materials and after every three to four lessons and the lets them freestyle their own ideas. It's always amazing how creative and unpredictable they can get!

Students supply: a smock or an old t-shirt to cover up clothes. 

Tuition: $120/$87.60 for volunteers      

Supply Fee: $36

For information on volunteering, click here.

Available spots: Full

Price: $120.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 9 - 14 years old on the day of the activity

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