Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Start date: Wednesday, January 31 2024.
Wednesdays, 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM ,
From January 31, 2024 until April 17, 2024 ,
Resource person: Dale, Sarah
Location: 102
New class! One foot, two foot, red foot, blue foot! Dr. Seuss’ rhymes will dance in children’s heads as they engage in an array of activities inspired by his beloved books. After reading One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, students will make a fishbowl in a bag, play a counting game with goldfish crackers, and learn the song “Down in the Deep Blue Sea.” For To Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street, students will make musical instruments and have a parade in the classroom. The Cat in the Hat will bring out face paint for cat faces and try to balance books as children sing and dance. On the last day we will have a Cat in the Hat party, watch a Cat in the Hat video, eat popcorn, sing the songs we've learned, play bean bag toss, and play Pin the Mustache on the Lorax. Tuition: $120/ $87.60 for volunteers Supply Fee: $18
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