2600 S. 124th Street Omaha NE 68144 US

Start date: Wednesday, August 30 2023.


 On Wednesdays from 2:00 PM to 2:50 PM.

 12 times starting 8/30/2023

Resource person: Donnelly, Jack

Location: 101


Find out more about wait lists.

Complete Volunteer Forms prior to registering. Every child must have a membership in order to receive a tuition discount on tuition. 

Most people are unaware that what we call “history” is really a story that is created to help make sense of an often-confusing series of events. In this class, students will analyze this critical American era, including the untidy historical facts in order to investigate the commonly accepted narrative. Even its name is debatable: a “civil war” is typically the attempt of one faction to seize governing control of a country. In contrast to this, the year 1860 chronicles a group of states attempting to break away and govern themselves, reminiscent of the American Revolution. In fact, some scholars call this conflict “The War Between the States,” which causes to us to consider whether this was actually a case of the South battling against the U.S. federal government, or merely one group of states pitted against another. Come to think of it, how can one section of the country claim to be the United States if other states no longer desire to be part of that union? This class does not intend to force students to take sides in a long-settled debate. Instead, they will do the true work of historians by critically examining the traditional model and possibly imagining a more credible and coherent framework that does justice to the facts.

Tuition: $120/$87.60 for volunteers   

Textbook: The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History (Woods) 

Supply Fee: $10

For information on volunteering, click here.

Available: Full

Price: $120.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 13 - 20 years old as of 8/30/2023

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