Try-out for Competitive Programs
For children who are enthuiastic about the sport of gymnastics. Experience not mandatory but an asset. Aptitude, athletism, and coachability are traits of a sucessful candidtate. We provide professional training and send our team to competitions in and around the province.
WAG - Women's Artisitic Gymnastics:
Girls age 5 - 6, pre-competitive, one hour (experience an asset but not required)
Girls age 7 -14 (previous competitive experience an asset)
MAG - Men's Artistic Gymnastic:
boys 6 - 12 age (apptitue and positive attitude preferred; experience an asset but not required)
Demo Team - A team sport incoporates dance and Acrobatic elements, committment to participate in group, age 7 - 16. Test is with the WAG athletes. Will recommend to this program if suitable.
AFTER the tryout, in about 2 - 3 weeks, we will send a recommendation by email. The notice is to recommed the most suitable program for your child at his/her current development stage as a gymnast.
If you accept the offer within the following 2 weeks, your child will be assigned to join either an existing or a new group. Coaches will not be available on the day after the tryout for discussion. Please wait for the official result by email.
Please note competitive schedules are not flexible. Athletes are expected to attend all classes as assigned. Commitment to the competitive program is for al full season (July - June of subsequent year). Please see more details on our website
Competitive | aagc-and-dga (
Parents who wish to view part of the class, please sign up online using the link sent with your confirmation.