We have a passion for building good athletes, but also good people—teaching athletes lifelong lessons through the sport of Cheerleading!
Welcome to Solar Cheerleading! We are a Cheerleading Gym in Peterborough Ontario! We offer programs for all experience levels aged 4 and up! Solar is known for creating a fun, inclusive and positive environment for athletes to reach their goals. Solar is dedicated to the long term progression of each athlete and we strive to offer programs that fit all Skill levels and abilities. Come learn from our enthusiastic and dedicated coaches with over 10 years experience in the industry! We want your athlete to Shine, and offer may programs to get started! Check out our Tumbling, Recreational Cheerleading, Prep Cheerleading, Competitive Cheerleading, Ninja Classes, Adult Cheer, Open Gym, and Birthday Parties!
2410 Lansdowne St W
Peterborough, ON, K9j0g5
(289) 880-1658
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