Start date: Saturday, May 10 2025.


 Saturday, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ,

 CEED Washington Lodge ,

Resource person: Eric Powers

Location: CEED Washington Lodge | 287 South Country Road, Brookhaven, NY, 11719


Program Description:

Join Ranger Eric and Mike Evans from Forgotten Skillz for the 5th of 10 adventures on survival. The fifth workshop in the survival series is about tool building.

Transform survival into “sur-THRIV-al” with our Improvised Tool-Building Workshop! Discover the art of crafting simple yet effective tools that can ease your tasks and boost your morale in the wild. You'll get hands-on experience in making a variety of tools, and you'll craft one special tool to take home with you.

Equip yourself with your survival knife (loaners available) and work gloves, and get ready to turn natural resources into invaluable assets.

Be prepared for the elements with proper layers, footwear, gloves, and a hand towel. 

Minimum age- 15 years old (Children under the age of 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.)

This is the fifth of ten "stand-alone" workshops. 

  1. May 10 - Tool Making
  2. June 14 - Foraging
  3. July 12 - Navigation & Traps
  4. August 9 - Making Fire with Friction
  5. September 13 - Making Fire with Sparks
  6. October 11 - 24-hour Survival Challenge

If you have questions regarding registration, please email or call 631-803-6780

Available spots: 30/30

Price: $40.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 15 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Please dress in layers appropriate for the weather and either email or bring your signed waiver.

Prerequisites: Signed CEED Waiver

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