Burleson Recreation Center
The Burleson Recreation Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality of recreation facilities and programs to our community.
Burleson Recreation Center
The Burleson Recreation Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality of recreation facilities and programs to our community.
Start date: Tuesday, April 22 2025.
Tuesday, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ,
Bailey Lake Pavilion ,
Resource person: Elizabeth Davidson 817-426-9178 edavidson@burlesontx.com
Location: Bailey Lake Pavilion | 280 West Hidden Creek Parkway, Burleson, TX, 76028
Your kids will love this! What better way to celebrate Earth Day than by spending time outside enjoying nature? Come explore the outdoors and participate in fun activities!
Price: $0.00 Taxes waived
Tags: Special Event
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