Burleson Recreation Center
The Burleson Recreation Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality of recreation facilities and programs to our community.
Burleson Recreation Center
The Burleson Recreation Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality of recreation facilities and programs to our community.
Start date: Saturday, March 1 2025.
Saturday, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM ,
Resource person: Elizabeth Davidson 817-426-9178 edavidson@burlesontx.com
Location: Bailey Lake Burleson, TX
Calling all vendors! Sign up now to have a booth at this year's Dogs & Donuts Event. This is a perfect opportunity to connect with the community!
Additional Dogs & Donut’s Info:
Vendor Booth Space: 10x10 space, vendors are responsible for providing their own table and pop-up. Vendor space is located on concrete.
Event Details: Dogs and Donuts event is open to our community members to come out and bring their furry friends to enjoy a morning out at Bailey Lake. We will have donuts, vendors, photos, and a few giveaways for families to enjoy.
Available spots: 2/20
Price: $0.00 Taxes waived
Tags: Special Event
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