Start date: Saturday, March 15 2025.


 Saturday, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ,

Resource person: Mary Ann Spaun 817-447-3316


Come to the farm to enjoy the peaceful environment. Enjoy a barbeque dinner with an instructor on hand for country western dancing. Then, to end the evening, have smores by the fire.  

The $55 charge is per couple.  

Available spots: 1/13

Price: $55.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 18 - 99 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Come to the farm to enjoy the peaceful environment. Enjoy a barbeque dinner with an instructor on hand for country western dancing. Then, to end the evening, have smores by the fire.   The $55 charge is per couple.  

More information: Closed Toed Shoe recommended

Tags: Adult

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