Start date: Saturday, March 22 2025.


 Saturdays, 10:20 AM - 10:50 AM ,

 From March 22, 2025 until May 31, 2025 ,

 DRC - Lap Pool ,

Location: DRC - Lap Pool | 84 Whyte Ave., Dryden, ON, P8N 1Z5


Preschool 1 Topics: these preschoolers will have fun learning to get in and out of the water. We'll help them jump into chest deep water. They'll float and glide on their front and back and learn to get their faces wet and blow bubbles underwater.

Preschool 2 Topics: these preschoolers learn to jump into chest-deep water by themselves, and get in and get out wearing a lifejacket. They'll submerge and exhale underwater. Wearing a lifejacket they'll glide on their front and back.

Available spots: 5

Price: $65.00 - $74.90 Taxes waived

Required age: 3 - 3 years old as of 5/25/2025

Skill requirement: Swimming Lesson Skills - Parent & Tot Level 1/2/3

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