Start date: Saturday, March 22 2025.


 Saturdays, 9:40 AM - 10:10 AM ,

 From March 22, 2025 until May 31, 2025 ,

 DRC - Lap Pool ,

Location: DRC - Lap Pool | 84 Whyte Ave., Dryden, ON, P8N 1Z5


Preschool 3 Topics: these youngsters will try both jumping and a sideways entry into deep water while wearing a lifejacket. They'll recover objects from the bottom in waist-deep water. They'll work on kicking and gliding through the water on their front and back.

Preschool 4 Topics: advanced preschoolers will learn to do solo jumps into deeper water and get out by themselves. They'll do sideways entries and open their eyes underwater. They'll master a short swim on their front wearing a lifejacket and gliding and kicking on their side.

Preschool 5 Topics: these youngsters get more adventuresome with a forward roll entry wearing a lifejacket and treading water for 10 sec. They'll work on front and back crawl swims for 5 m, interval training and get a giggle out of whip kick.

Available spots: 3

Price: $65.00 - $74.90 Taxes waived

Required age: 4 - 5 years old as of 5/24/2025

Skill requirement:

All the following skills are required:

Swimming Lesson Skills - Parent & Tot Level 1/2/3, Swimming Lesson Skills - Preschool Level 1/2

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