City of Galesburg Parks & Recreation
Serving Galesburg and the surrounding communities by providing parks, amenities, recreational facilities, programs, & community partnerships.
City of Galesburg Parks & Recreation
Serving Galesburg and the surrounding communities by providing parks, amenities, recreational facilities, programs, & community partnerships.
This calender is available as a reference on potential rental dates/times for Hawthorne Pool, Hawthorne Gym and Golf Simulator rentals. To book you must contact the Recreation Office.
Hawthorne Gym
- Bookings preferred by the 15th of the preceeding month
- Availabilty daily 8am - 6pm
Hawthorne Pool
- Bookings must be done a minimum of 3 weeks in advance due to staff scheduling
- Payment and waivers due 10 days before the rental
- Two time slots on Saturdays and Sunday are available 11am-1pm and 4-6p,