Start date: Friday, January 8 2021.


 Fridays, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM ,

 From January 8, 2021 until February 26, 2021 ,

 Metals B Studio ,

Resource person: Ed Barker,

Location: Metals B Studio | 3410 Midcourt Rd Ste. 115, Carrollton, TX, 75006


This class is designed to accommodate beginning, intermediate and advanced students. The beginning student will complete "" Boot Camp"". Five basic projects designed to teach the fundamental techniques and processes of jewelry making. Boot camp consists of a copper adjustable bowl ring, a reticulated cuff bracelet with a fused design, an appliqued pendant including a pierced design and textured surface, a simple chain often made to go with the pendant and a bezel set cabochon stone.
  In order to sharpen their existing skills, intermediate as well as advanced students often find the early projects appealing or they may work on projects of their choosing. My job at this time is to assess the students strengths and weaknesses and encourage the student to use those strengths to build up those weaknesses.

Available spots: 2

Price: $80.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 18 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: This class will be held in metals studio B.

Prerequisites: Beginning/Advanced

Tags: Ed Barker

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