Start date: Wednesday, January 6 2021.


 Wednesdays, 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM ,

 From January 6, 2021 until February 24, 2021 ,

 Metals A Studio ,

Resource person: Marilyn O'Hara,

Location: Metals A Studio | 3410 Midcourt Rd Ste. 115, Carrollton, TX, 75006


Intermediate/Advanced students will work on individual projects with an emphasis on technical problem solving and mastering new skills. Students advance at their own pace, instruction is individualized as you progress to more complex design and construction techniques. Ongoing processes taught are advanced soldering skills, marriage of metals, Hydraulic press, granulation, hollow construction, advanced stone setting design and product development.

Available spots: Full

Price: $367.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 18 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: This class is held in metal studio A.

Prerequisites: Int/Adv

Tags: Marilyn O'Hara

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