CS@SC offers Virtual and In-Person coding classes. If you are interested in looking for scholarships, please reach out to cscamps@usc.edu.
The CS@SC Coding Camps provide K12 students with an opportunity to explore topics that are not typically covered in traditional curricula, specifically topics in computer science including stand-alone programming, web development, mobile app creation, and robotics.” -Professor Jeffrey Miller, Camp Founder & Instructor For more information of our program, head to codingcamp.usc.edu for more details. For questions, send us an email to cscamps@usc.edu. If you are interested in looking for scholarships, please reach out to cscamps@usc.edu to see how you can apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are limited and not guaranteed at this time.
727 W. 27th St Kerckhoff Hall (KER/KCH)
Los Angeles, CA, 90007
(213) 740-1955
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