Start date: Wednesday, March 26 2025.
Every day, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM ,
From March 26, 2025 until March 30, 2025 ,
Full Pool ,
Resource person: Joanna Skaalid
Location: Full Pool | 400 Skeena Drive, Bag 340, Mackenzie, BC, V0J 2C0
The Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Instructor certification prepares candidates to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes and related skills. Swim Instructors teach and evaluate candidates in the Society’s Swim for Life® and Canadian Swim Patrol levels. Candidates are trained in, and must demonstrate skills, knowledge, and attitudes at a Competency Level 1 to achieve certification.
Available spots: 3/4
Price: $250.00 Taxes included
Required age: Over 15 years old as of 3/30/2025
Notes: Required Supplies: Swim suit, towel, and lunch.
Prerequisites: Minimum 15 years of age, by the last day of the course. Bronze Cross (need not be current)
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