Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
Start date: Monday, August 4 2025.
Weekdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM ,
From August 4, 2025 until August 15, 2025 ,
Resource person: KariAnne Kulig <karianne@dbms.org>
This class will introduce the basic rowing fundamentals of sculling using a variety of tools including rowing tanks, Concept 2 ergometers, single shells and team boats. Students will learn and practice the technique of the rowing stroke, dock and boat safety, steering, and teamwork. At the end of the first week, we will row on the water in our fun and stable single rowing shells.The second week rowers will work together in a team boat. No previous experience required.
Available spots: 4
Price: $450.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 11 - 18 years old as of 8/31/2025
Notes: This is a two week program. Please view schedule for further details.
Prerequisites: Competent Swimmer
Tags: Child Rowing
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