Start date: Wednesday, March 26 2025.


 Wednesday, 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM ,

Resource person: Kenzie Thompson <>


DBMS offers half-day vacation day programs from 12:30-3:30 PM for grades K-2. During half-day programs, we pick students up from Chandler Elementary School in our 15-passenger van. Students who attend other schools are welcome to join our half-day programs. We also offer full-day vacation programs from 9:00-2:00 PM for grades K-5. Some of our full-day programs include a field trip component. Please read the program descriptions to learn more about the topic and activities for each program.

Each half-day student will learn about a new marine science topic. Weather permitting, students will get out of the classroom for some hands-on fun after the lesson exploring local habitats!

Available spots: Full

Price: $100.00 Taxes waived

Prerequisites: None

Tags: Child Marine Science

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