Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
Start date: Monday, July 21 2025.
Every day, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM ,
From July 21, 2025 until July 25, 2025 ,
Resource person: KariAnne Kulig <karianne@dbms.org>
Our child-sized kayaks are perfect for both experts and beginner kayakers! Each day will be a new adventure as participants learn how wind, tide, and currents affect where the class can kayak each day. Explore Duxbury Bay in a safe, fun way this summer!
Available spots: 5+
Price: $265.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 6 - 9 years old as of 8/31/2025
Prerequisites: Competent Swimmer
Tags: Child Paddlesports
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