Start date: Tuesday, March 18 2025.


 Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 2:00 PM - Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 3:00 PM ,

Resource person:


This program provides a supportive environment for individuals ages 15+ with disabilities to learn to row indoors. Classes will involve team-building, stretching, learning the basics of rowing on an erg machine, and progressing to utilizing our indoor rowing tanks. Students must be able to maintain core stability in a seated position and move independently on a rowing machine. This course is intended to be a continuation of our adaptive paddlesports community, but is open to new participants as well. Past participants of adaptive paddlesports have had developmental disabilities, TBIs, Down Syndrome, limb differences, Autism, and mobility challenges. Supportive erg seats and hand supports are available. 


Participants should wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. Class will meet in the Rowing Center. Instructors are USRowing Certified Adaptive Rowing Coaches. To inquire about specific equipment or if this program is a good fit, contact

Available spots: 5+

Price: $120.00 Taxes waived

Tags: Adult Rowing Outreach

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