Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
Start date: Thursday, March 6 2025.
Thursdays, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM ,
From March 6, 2025 until April 10, 2025 ,
Resource person: Kenzie Thompson <kenzie@dbms.org>
With the weather warming up, the oceans are heating up too! Animals are migrating back north, and nature is buzzing in preparation for summer. Perfect for curious kids ages 2-5, this engaging program offers hands-on science activities, fun games, creative crafts, and captivating stories. Together, you and your child will dive into fascinating topics designed to spark curiosity and inspire a love for learning. When the weather allows, we’ll head outdoors to explore and play. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to make learning exciting and memorable!
Available spots: 5+
Price: $120.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 2 - 7 years old on the day of the activity
Tags: Child Adult Marine Science
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