Start date: Monday, July 21 2025.


 Every day, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM ,

 From July 21, 2025 until July 25, 2025 ,

Resource person: Kenzie Thompson <>


Have fun trying many different DBMS activities during our full day program! Maritime Adventures meets at both high and low tide so activities vary week to week. High tide activities include sailing, kayaking, a picnic on Clark's Island, and swimming. Participants will sail with an instructor on a variety of sailboats including an RS Quest, Catamaran, and Marshal Catboat. Examples of low tide activities include marine science labs, STEM & engineering activities, arts and crafts, motorboating to Captain’s Flat, and field trips to local landmarks such as Duxbury Beach, Standish Monument, and Shipyard Beach.

Available spots: Full

Price: $725.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 6 - 7 years old as of 8/31/2025

Notes: This program uses a 15 passenger van to transport participants.

Prerequisites: Competent Swimmer

Tags: Child

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