Start date: Sunday, April 13 2025.


 Sunday, 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM ,

 Fitness Studio ,

Location: Fitness Studio | 450 Powers St, Erie, CO, 80516


Experience deep relaxation with the healing tones of crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, melodic chimes, soothing rain sticks/drums, and more in this class combining calming Restorative and Yin yoga poses.  Poses will be held for at least 5 minutes while the senses are treated to an array of healing, meditative sounds. Please bring your own yoga mat and a yoga blanket or a large towel.


Contact: Elizabeth Belton at

Available spots: 25/25

Price: $28.00 - $35.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 15 - 99 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Registration closes on day program begins.

Tags: Fitness

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