Start date: Monday, March 31 2025.


 Monday, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM ,

 Van 509 ,

Resource person: Julie LePrie, 303-926-2793,

Location: Van 509 | 450 Power St, Erie, CO, 80516


Registration Deadline: March 17

No cooking, no driving and no clean up, but all the fun of joining others while exploring local restaurants. Fee includes transportation. Meals are on your own.


Contact: Julie LePrie at

Available spots: Full

Price: $16.00 - $20.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 21 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: General Day Trip Physical Activity Levels: Easy: Ability to board the bus, easy, mostly sitting Light: Mostly sitting, with some walking Moderate: Some walking, possible stairs High: Lots of walking, stairs, elevation Please contact an Active Adults staff member prior to registration for any questions regarding accessibility. Not all venues are accessible. For more information on day trip registration, accessibility, etiquette, cancellations and refunds see the trip brochure posted online or pick up a hard copy in the Columbine Lounge. All return times are approximate.

Tags: ECC Scholarship - 2024 Adult Active Adults (60+)

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