North Courts may be reserved up to 48 hours in advance for up to one hour.
Court #1 is closest to County Line Rd. Court #2 is closest to the ECC.
Both North Courts are reservable year round with the exception of reservations by the Parks and Recreation Department.
South Courts are open for drop-in play with the exception of reservations by the Parks & Recreation Department.
Court #1 is closest to the ECC. Court #2 is closest to County Line Rd.
Courts are accessible as a public amenity year round but there is no guarantee of playability after inclement weather, including reservations. Approved volunteers may clear the courts using approved shovels, rubber edged squeegees and brooms. To protect the court surface players should only use shovels to remove the bulk of the top layer of snow, leaving a thin layer on the court surface. Shovels should not come into contact with the court surface and squeegees and brooms can be used to remove the final layer to speed up the court drying process.
Lights are available on all courts year round until 10pm.
To ensure safety of all participants, please wait outside of the tennis courts until your reservation begins. Thank you!