Start date: Tuesday, May 13 2025.
Every day, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM ,
4 times starting May 13, 2025 ,
High truss - full truss ,
Location: High truss - full truss
This 4-day intensive will focus on developing the tools to create a seamless and dynamic movement style on rope. When we use dynamic and c-shaping pathways, we’re finding the path of least resistance through space. With this freedom, we can begin to move differently in the air; with more power but also with grace and fluidity.
In honing the techniques of beats and c-shaping, and gaining an embodied understanding, we will apply these technical pathways to a variety of skills and transitions. With this vocabulary, we then have endless options for seamless sequencing. We will then play with different movement qualities, adding another dimension to the choreography, with an invitation to explore & expand your unique style.
This intensive will not be restricted to working in the air but will also give time to explore movement on the floor. When we can find comfort with the rope on the floor as well as in the air we can begin to fluidly blend these planes and create something truly multidimensional.
Available spots: Full
Price: $525.00 Taxes waived
Required age: Over 15 years old on the day of the activity
Notes: This intensive meets from 10am-2pm daily, Tuesday May 13th - Friday May 16th. We will take a break in the middle of each day. Bring snacks!
Prerequisites: Students should feel confident with common beat pathways (front-back, straddle, scissor, flairs) and have competency in some pop throughs, one or two half-release moves like cut catches, and should be able to perform straight arm hip keys and inversions. If you are unsure whether this intensive is right for you, email before signing up.
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