Free Play for Kids

Free Play for Kids is a youth sports organization that offers Year-Round sports programs.

  Important information

Start to Play is a community-based sports program that focuses on learning sports skills, physical literacy, and well-being through play. 


Current Age Groups (Availability varies from location to location)

U5 (born 2019-2020)            U7 (born 2017-2018)            U9 (born 2015-2016)            U12 (born 2012-2014)


Frequently asked questions:

What do I bring to the session? Participants are encouraged to wear clothing they are comfortable moving around in. We also ask everyone to bring a pair of indoor and outdoor athletic shoes and a water bottle. We provide all the sports equipment for the session except for skates and helmets that will be needed for the learn to skate and hockey sessions. For our colder seasons, please bring weather-appropriate clothing for outdoor play.

Where do we meet? At the community league where you registered. We will keep you updated on whether we will be indoors or outdoors for each session.

Do parents need to stay?

       U5 - Parents must stay for all programming 

       U7, U9, and U12 - Parents must stay for programming if there is not an indoor shelter on site. Find this information on the program you are signing up for as it changes from location to location.

When are the Start to Play seasons? Season length can change depending on location. See the whole year mapped out below:

       Fall Season: September, October, and November

       Winter Season: December, January, February, and March

       Spring Season: April, May, and June

What makes our programs unique? In addition to covering the fundamental, introductory, and semi-advanced skills of various sports, we also apply (Sport to) Life Lessons. For example, we cover themes such as FRIENDSHIP; including topics like Anti-Bullying, Problem Solving, Finding Common Interests, Building Trust, and Forgiveness.

Who do I contact for more information? Our Program Manager, Parker Cammidge at