Start date: Monday, July 21 2025.


 Every day, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ,

 From July 21, 2025 until July 25, 2025 ,

 Glebe CC Craft Room ,

Resource person: Jason Irvine & Paul O'Donnell

Location: Glebe CC Craft Room | 175 Third Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1S 2K2


Welcome to the wonderful world of Disney. from Encanto to Toy Story, each day will be centered around different Disney movies. We will dress up like our favourite Disney characters and head out for some trick or treating, take a trip to the beach to swim like Nemo and cuddle up in our PJs to watch a disney classic on our projector. This week is sure to be filled with lots of fun and excitement!

Available spots: Available

Price: $375.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 4 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Summer Camp Refunds and Transfers If you register with less than the notification time available, please consider your registration final, with no withdrawal possible. Notification required: Refund requests must be submitted by 5:30 PM on the Friday at least 2 weeks (10 full business days) before the camp start date. GNAG staff do not work on the weekends during the Summer. 1. Within notification period. Refund with 7% admin fee or credit on GNAG account with no fee. 2. Less than notification period. Refunds or credits on GNAG account will not be issued. 3. Change your mind? Notify us first! We can help without incurring fees. A transfer requires the same period of notification. We will follow health guidelines set out by the OPH regarding illness. Refunds will not be offered for illness experienced during a camp week. Please see our parent handbook released in June for details on our best practices to keep our campers safe and healthy, including what to bring to camp each day, and camper expectations. In the week prior to the camp, our counsellors will call new participants and you will be emailed a schedule for the week. Please feel free to contact us if you have any information that will help your child have a successful and happy week at camp. Weekly schedules will be online 2 weeks before the camp start date, and maybe a little earlier. Subject to Change: The information in our summer plan is subject to change. Since we plan in December and January, certain details may shift due to factors beyond our control between then and the summer.

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