Start date: Saturday, March 23 2024.


 Saturdays, 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM ,

 From March 23, 2024 until May 18, 2024 ,

 Oak Grove Softball Complex ,

Location: Oak Grove Softball Complex | 2700 Dove Loop Road, Grapevine, TX, 76051


8U Softball is for girls 8-years-old and younger and continues to focus on developing players' skills, understanding of the game and team values.  New players are encouraged in 8U Softball.   There could be advanced and developmental divisions this season.  If an advanced division is formed, players who express an interest in playing at the advanced level and players who have demonstrated an advanced level of skills will be asked to try-out.

Available spots: Full

Price: $135.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 7 - 8 years old as of 12/31/2023

Notes: PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Players shall not participate in more than one league at the same time. Players listed on more than one roster during the same season shall be deemed ineligible for GBS. If any rec player picks up to play with a select team during the rec season, they are ineligible to play in rec.

Prerequisites: The softball aging date is based on how old the player is as of 12/31/2023 for the Spring 2024 season.

Tags: Youth Athletics

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