Start date: Monday, July 14 2025.


 Every day, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM ,

 From July 14, 2025 until July 18, 2025 ,

 Grapevine Elementary School ,

Location: Grapevine Elementary School | 1801 Hall - Johnson Rd, Grapevine , TX, 76051


An experience designed to introduce children to circus, performing, and visual arts in a safe and noncompetitive environment. Any level of physical development & skill is welcome.  Your camper will receive circus arts instruction and have the time of their life learning to perform with silks, special hoops and loops, the art of magic, balloon art and get all fancy with clown face painting.  Tricky Tuesday, Wild Wednesday, Fantastic Friday, Theater Thursday and Surprise Monday!!! Sign up today-class size limited to 18 campers this summer. It’s the greatest camp on Earth and your child can be part of the fun!

Available spots: 18/20

Price: $88.00 - $98.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 4 - 8 years old on the day of the activity

Tags: Camps

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