Start date: Saturday, June 28 2025.


 Saturday, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM ,

 Piedmont Environmental Center - Room 1 ,

Resource person: Angela Craven

Location: Piedmont Environmental Center - Room 1 | 1220 Penny Road, High Point, NC, 27265


Spend the morning outdoors flipping logs and getting dirty as we look for some of the common "creepy crawlers" that play such an important role in our ecosystem!

We will collect various insects to observe as we learn more about them. After we set our new friends free, we will create an insect "fact craft" to document and remember all we learned. Please note that parents must stay with children throughout the program.

Available spots: 8

Price: $5.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 2 - 6 years old on the day of the activity

Tags: Outdoor Adventure / Nature Education Preschool (ages 0-4)

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