Start date: Saturday, March 16 2024.


 Saturday, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM ,

 Kidcreate Studio Fairfax Station ,

Location: Kidcreate Studio Fairfax Station | 5616A Ox Road, Unit A, Fairfax Station, VA, 22039


Get ready for a shamrockin' good time at our St. Patrick's Day playgroup! Say goodbye to leprechauns because it's the kids' turn to take center stage. Seize the opportunity to dive into our pot o' gold sensory table, partake in exciting games, and have a blast like never before! Let the St. Patty's Day festivities begin!

Sorry, this is not a drop-off class. Children must be accompanied by a caregiver. Pre-registration is required.

Available spots: 5+

Price: $25.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 18 - 72 months on the day of the activity

Notes: Children must be accompanied by a caregiver.

Tags: Workshops Parent & Child Classes

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