Start date: Saturday, June 22 2024.


 Saturday, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM ,



Back by popular demand! Calling all doodlers! Are you ready to take your drawings to the next level? We’ve got the perfect class for you!  In this advanced class designed specifically for older artists, we’ll learn and master a simple step-by-step method to truly fantastic drawings. From cute koalas to radiant sunsets to a lighthouse that really glow-in-the-dark, we’ll hone our drawing skills as we create unique masterpieces any burgeoning artist would be proud of!

Please pack a nut-free lunch, snack and drink for your child each day. 


Available spots: 5+

Price: $94.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 60 - 156 months on the day of the activity

Notes: Please pack a nut-free lunch, snack and drink for your child each day. 

Tags: Camps Summer Camp Drop-Off Classes

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