Start date: Tuesday, May 27 2025.


 Every day, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM ,

 From May 27, 2025 until May 29, 2025 ,

 Kidcreate Studio- Woodbury ,

Location: Kidcreate Studio- Woodbury | 1785 Radio Drive, Woodbury, MN, 55125


These art projects will light up your child’s world long after the lights go out at night. You guessed it, all the projects you and your child create together in this class will glow-in-the-dark! We will work with a variety of art supplies including clay, paint, and many luminescent materials to create masterpieces your child will be excited to show off in the dark!

Please pack a nut-free snack and drink for your child each day. 


These add-ons are a great way for kids to extend the camp experience. Use Breakfast and Doodle to add time before a morning camp and use Lunch and Doodle to add an hour to a morning or afternoon camp or to create a full-day camp experience when signing up for both the morning and afternoon camps. Reserve your child’s spot today! Please pack a nut-free lunch and drink for your child for Lunch & Doodle.


Available spots: 4+

Price: $150.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 36 - 84 months on the day of the activity

Notes: Please pack a nut-free snack and drink for your child each day. 

More information: BREAKFAST & DOODLE (8:30-9:00) AND LUNCH & DOODLE (12:00-1:00) IS AVAILABLE WITH THIS CAMP!

Tags: Camps Summer Camps Drop-Off Classes

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