Lindenhurst Park District
Creating Community Through People, Parks, and Programs
Lindenhurst Park District
Creating Community Through People, Parks, and Programs
Students enrolled in the Before & After School Program are provided a supervised recreational outlet where they can engage in a variety of activities. All students will be given time to complete homework, have a snack, and play each day!
Two Sites Available
Site One: Serving Oakland-D34 & Hooper – D41 Students
Lindenhurst Park District
Lippert Community Center
2200 E. Grass Lake Road, Lindenhurst
Children will have access to a full-sized gym, track, playgrounds, parks, walking paths, and classroom space for activities.
Site Two: Serving Martin – D41 & Thompson – D41 Students
Lake Villa Township
Caboose Park
37908 N. Fairfield Road, Lake Villa
Children will have access to open green space, playgrounds, sports fields, sled hill, and classroom space for activities.
Both sites provide a supervised recreational outlet for students to participate in various engaging activities, including homework, crafts, games, and sports.
Registration Information
Families have the flexibility to register for the entire month (session), or by individual days (drop-in). Get the best value with monthly registration.
Beginning in January 2025 people other than the Primairy and Secondary Legal Guardian must be added as an EMERGENCY CONTACT during the rgistration process. The "Approved Pick Up" section is no longer applicable or available.
Monthly (Session) Registration
Monthly Registration allows you to register for all program days during the month; choose AM and/or PM care. You will be prompted to pay in full for that month or call to set up an installment plan breaking your monthly fee into two payments; the first payment is taken at the time of registration, and the second payment is on the 15 of the month. Pre-registration is required.
Daily (Drop-in) Registration
If you choose to register using the drop-in option you have the flexibility to choose individual days throughout the month in both AM and/or PM care. Daily registration must be completed before the monthly deadline on a monthly basis. Installment plans are not available for daily registration. Advanced registration is required.
If you are interested in visiting our program, checking availably, or would like more information, contact us at 847.356.6011 or
How to Register
To register for the Before & After School Program, visit and follow these tabs:
Registration Deadlines
The registration deadline is 7 days prior to the beginning of the new month. Registration will be accepted after the deadline if space is available and will incur a $40 automatic late fee.
Early Release/No School
The Before & After School Program will observe school holidays and institute days in accordance with Lake Villa School District 41. Care is available for all Early Release days.
Parents are responsible for contacting the school and bus service to arrange transportation. School Districts require students to have one drop-off and pick-up location throughout the year. If your child is not attending our program daily, consider using our location as their everyday pick-up/drop-off location.
Refund Policy
Refunds will not be given for any reason. You may stop registration at any time throughout the school year.
What to Bring
Bring a nut-free snack and water bottle each day.
A non-refundable registration fee of $50 per child is required at the time of registration.
AM Care
PM Care
A Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed and on file AND/OR a credit card must be saved to your household account with the Park District to participate in the program.
Installment Billing
If you need to set up installment billing, call our office at 847-356-6011.
School Days Off Care
Join your friends for fun at the Community Center during days off school and school breaks! All Days Off care will be held at Site One – Lippert Community Center. Care will be available on the following dates from 6:30 am-5:30 pm. The fee is $60/day. Separate registration is required. Click for School Days Off Care Registration: School Days Off Registration Page
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