Start date: Monday, June 23 2025.


 Every day, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM ,

 From June 23, 2025 until June 27, 2025 ,

 Camp Exploration Tent ,

Resource person: Katie Kozuch

Location: Camp Exploration Tent | 2200 Grass Lake Road, Lindenhurst, IL, 60046


Campers in 2nd & 3rd grade will dive into outdoor adventures, creative and expressive activities, dabble in STEM missions, and challenge themselves through games and sports! Whether they are crafting imaginative projects, discovering secrets of nature, or working their way through a competition bracket, our camp is designed to empower campers to be bold, independent thinkers!  This camp is all about variety, balance, and FUN to keep campers engaged, active, and excited every day!

Available spots:

Price: $160.00 - $200.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 6 - 8 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Session Registration (Weekly) includes every camp day M-F. Drop-Off/Pick-Up Location: Camp Tent located at the Community Center at 2200 Grass Lake Road.

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