Start date: Monday, July 28 2025.


 Every day, 9:15 AM - 11:00 AM ,

 From July 28, 2025 until August 1, 2025 ,

 Preschool D ,

Resource person: Katie Kozuch -

Location: Preschool D | 2200 Grass Lake Road, Lindenhurst, IL, 60046


Early safety education is important for all children.  Through games, songs, videos, art activities, and special guest speakers, Safety Town citizens are immersed in a week of safety awareness.  Topic include home and fire safety, police and strange, streets and bicycles, and safe water play, and include visits from our local police and fire departments

Available spots:

Price: $84.00 - $105.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 4 - 6 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Please make sure to bring a water bottle.

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