Start date: Monday, July 21 2025.


 Every day, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM ,

 From July 21, 2025 until July 25, 2025 ,

 Double Kayak Fleet ,

Location: Double Kayak Fleet | 260 Compo road South, Westport, CT, 06880


Learn basic paddling technique while commanding a two person sit-on-top kayak with a partner. Students explore the waters surrounding Longshore while learning about marine wildlife. Each day brings a new destination and activity, such as relay races and treasure hunts. 

Available spots: 3+

Price: $450.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 8 - 11 years old on the day of the activity

Prerequisites: Age 8 by start of course Swim Check:  Conducted in the pool the first day of each on-the-water course.  Tread water for 2 minutes, then swim any stroke for 50 yards (two pool lengths).

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