Start date: Monday, July 21 2025.


 Every day, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM ,

 From July 21, 2025 until July 25, 2025 ,

 Trico Centre ,

Location: Trico Centre | 11150 Bonaventure Drive Southeast, Calgary, AB, T2J 6R9


Read the "Important Information" above and click the blue "More Information..." link below and read the details.

For 2025 –

This group is open to skaters born in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Timing: The day will begin between 7:30-8:15am and end between 4:00-4:30pm.  A confirmed start and end time will be sent out two weeks prior to the camp.  We are unable to offer pre-care or post-care.

Parents are not required to stay for the duration of the day.  They may come and spectate; however, it is not a time to interact with your child.  We ask that they stay with their group at all times.

Instructors will be present in the dressing rooms to assist the participants in getting ready for each ice time.

Lunch: Participants will pack along their own nut-free lunches and snacks.  They will also provide their own full equipment, stick, towel (to sit on outside) and water bottles.

Phones: Participants are NOT permitted to use their phones during camp hours.  Phones must be left in the dressing room, inside a pocket or bag, at all times.  If they must have them along at camp, neither the facility, nor NRS is responsible for any theft or damage.

On Ice: This group will participate in 13 ice times over the course of the week: two days will have two ice times, and three days will have three ice times.  We will cover power skating and skill development and refinement, defensive and offensive strategies (1v1, 2v1, 2v2), and have time to scrimmage.  The final ice time of the week is a game.  Parents are welcome to cheer on their child.

The focus of the on ice sessions will be:

  • Skating techniques for speed, agility and explosiveness
  • Ring skills refinement: accurate and effective passing, shooting power and accuracy, one-timers
  • Defensive strategies: body positioning, marking, channelling, checking and dominating the triangle
  • Offensive strategies: making elusive cuts, breaking into a triangle, deking and sniper goal-scoring techniques
  • Effective on-ice communication
  • Scrimmage time

As this is a group that covers 4 years, we split the group into subgroups once they are on the ice.  These smaller subgroups allow us to tailor the drills to challenge each subgroup appropriately.  The subgroups are not permanent, but get used frequently in station work and throughout various aspects of the ice times.

Off Ice:  When the athletes are off the ice they will participate in a variety of age-appropriate activities to help develop their athletic abilities, ringette skills and knowledge.  The activities will range from cross-training activities (i.e. yoga, soccer, juggling, etc.) to fitness sessions; discussions about mental training and exercises; ringette strategies and rules; and team building games and challenges. 


Please familiarize yourself with our policies: link

Available spots: Full

Price: $515.00 Taxes not included

Required age: 10 - 16 years old as of 12/31/2024

Notes: Administration fee: This fee is a non-refundable fee used to help offset the costs associated with credit card transactions and costs incurred prior to the delivery of the program. The Administration Fee is applied to each order, not each individual registration. Therefore, if a family is registering more than one child the fee is only applied once. In the event of a camp cancellation this fee will not be refunded. Read "Policies" for further refund/cancellation policies.

Prerequisites: This group is open to skaters born in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Please contact if you require an exception to this age bracket. PLEASE disregard the section labelled "Required age" as it is inaccurate. Use the birthdates listed under "Prerequisites".

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