Start date: Thursday, March 30 2023.


 Thursday, March 30, 2023, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ,

 Cheney Mansion Living Room ,

Resource person: Susan Crane, 708-725-2500

Location: Cheney Mansion Living Room | 220 North Euclid Avenue, Oak Park, IL, 60302


Are you interested in supporting local breweries and learning about their businesses and their passions?  Come to the patio of Cheney Mansion at the end of  March to meet the team from Flapjack Brewery in Berwyn and sample what they are brewing  around the fire!  They will all have season appropriate tasting and talk about what makes their brewery and product so great.  We will have snacks to help with your tastings!  Ages 21+

Available spots: 20/40

Price: $22.00 - $27.00 Taxes waived

Tags: Adult Activities

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