Start date: Monday, February 24 2025.


 Monday, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM ,

 Offsite Facility ,

 megan ulczak, Helen Schmucker, Nancy Wisti Grayson, Helen Schmucker ,

Resource person: Megan Ulczak

Location: Offsite Facility


Welcome to the Active Adult Dinner Club. Once a month join other Active Adults for dinner at a local Oak Park restaurant. We will make the reservations and, if we're lucky, get a special treat/discount/menu. Support your local businesses and bring some cash to make the bill easier for everyone. Cheers!

Available spots: 10/10

Price: $0.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 50 years old on the day of the activity

More information:

Tags: Adult Activities One Day Activities Active Adult Discounts

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