Start date: Wednesday, May 14 2025.


 Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ,

 From June 4, 2025 until August 27, 2025 ,

 Taylor Park - East Lawn/Wetland ,

 Teresa Heit-Murray ,

Resource person: Erin Coffman-

Location: Taylor Park - East Lawn/Wetland | 400 Division Street, Oak Park, IL, 60302


This class is a multi-level experience for both those new to yoga and those working to grow their practice. This class will help students understand the benefits of yoga: strength, balance, body awareness, alignment and more. We will work toward improving range of motion, coordination, concentration and mind body spirit connection. We will also focus on elongating and stabilizing the muscles we use in daily living. This is a great way to connect with your body and other active individuals in our community.

Required age: 15 - 99 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: We will be outside weather permitting, please bring a yoga mat, water bottle, and towel if preferred.

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