Start date: Monday, August 4 2025.


 Weekdays, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM ,

 From August 4, 2025 until August 8, 2025 ,

 Irving School (All) ,

Resource person: Peyton Rapier- 708-725-2116

Location: Irving School (All) | 1125 South Cuyler Avenue, Oak Park, IL, 60304


MVP Sports Camps Grades 5-8

Get ready to play ball! This camp is an exciting opportunity for fifth through eighth graders to score big with a lineup of exciting activities, including basketball, soccer, dodgeball, and several other games. There is also no shortage of field trip fun! From professional sporting events to adventure parks, this camp has something for everyone. If your camper is seeking amore specialized sports experience, be sure to explore our additional sports-related programs!

Available spots: Full

Price: $283.00 - $313.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 12 - 14 years old as of 9/1/2025

Notes: CANCELLATION POLICY A $25 cancellation fee will apply to refunds for each session of camp that costs over $150 and a $10 cancellation fee for camps less than $150. Refund requests for camps must be received two weeks before the program begins to be eligible for a refund. Refunds requested within two weeks will be considered only if the vacated spot can be filled with another participant.

More information: MVP

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