Start date: Wednesday, May 7 2025.


 Wednesday, 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM ,

 Dole Center Multipurpose Room 1 - Computer Room (2nd Floor) ,

 megan ulczak, Nancy Wisti Grayson, Facility Attendant ,

Resource person: Helen Schmucker/Nancy Wisti-Grayson

Location: Dole Center Multipurpose Room 1 - Computer Room (2nd Floor) | 255 Augusta Street, Oak Park, IL, 60302


Are you interested in learning about the world around you through Documentary Films? Join us for an educational afternoon of documentary films. Titles are listed on our registration software, Amilia (and may be subject to change). After the film, stay for a friendly critique and discussion. Feel free to bring some snacks. These are all one-day registrations.

alliance of the Palestinian activist Basel and Israeli journalist Yuval  (Academy Award Nominee) 

Available spots: 5/15

Price: $0.00 - $3.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 18 - 200 years old on the day of the activity

Tags: Adult Activities One Day Activities Active Adult Discounts

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