Start date: Tuesday, April 1 2025.


 Tuesdays, 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM ,

 From April 1, 2025 until May 27, 2025 ,

 Carroll Community Center ,

Resource person: Chad Drufke - 708-725-2109 -

Location: Carroll Community Center | 1125 South Kenilworth Avenue, Oak Park, IL, 60304



Aikido is a way of harmony, not combat. Children who study aikido develop and expand their mental and physical awareness while learning cooperation and respect for others. Instruction begins with exercises to stretch and strengthen young bodies and improve attention, coordination, and motor skills. Falling with confidence is a big part of training, followed by learning the principles of movement which allow students to practice techniques with partners.

Available spots: 11/12

Price: $98.00 - $118.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 6 - 14 years old on the day of the activity

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