Start date: Wednesday, July 2 2025.


 Wednesdays, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM ,

 From July 2, 2025 until July 16, 2025 ,

 CRC - Fitness Center ,

Resource person: Chris

Location: CRC - Fitness Center | 229 Madison Street, Oak Park, IL, 60302


Wanting a more “in-depth” review our fitness equipment? Want to learn how to bench press properly or learn how to use the universal/pin-pull weight machines appropriately? In our 3, one hour class sessions, we will show you techniques on how to correctly use the CRC fitness equipment. We will teach safety and proper etiquette as well. Maybe even show you a few fitness secrets that can increase your workout routine! Come ready to workout and learn from qualified staff.

Mandatory membership(s):

  • CRC Annual Membership - Non-Resident (Ages 12 and up)
  • CRC Monthly Membership - Non-Resident (Ages 12 and up)
  • CRC Annual Membership - Resident (Ages 12 and up)
  • CRC Monthly Membership - Resident (Ages 12 and up)

Available spots: 3/3

Price: $37.00 - $50.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 12 - 18 years old on the day of the activity

Tags: CRC

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