Park District of Oak Park
Our mission: In partnership with the community, we enrich lives by providing meaningful experiences through parks, programs and facilities.
Park District of Oak Park
Our mission: In partnership with the community, we enrich lives by providing meaningful experiences through parks, programs and facilities.
All Oak Park residents are welcome to sign up for a free indoor walking track membership.
The three-lane elevated indoor track is surrounded by windows and sweeping views of the gymnasium. It is located on the third floor of the building and accessible via stairs or elevator. The track provides ample room for walkers and runners with areas for cooldown and stretching in each corner. The indoor track is available to Oak Park residents free of charge with a Track Pass Membership. Non-residents can gain access through the paid CRC Membership or by paying the daily drop-in rate ($15). Memberships must be renewed annually. Here are a few important reminders:
Type: Individual membership
Duration: 12 month(s)
Price: $0.00
Taxes waived
Restricted to residents of: Oak Park, Cook County, Illinois, USA
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